ADRENALIN AND CORTISOL Adrenaline and cortisol are two of the most powerful chemicals in the human body. They are capable of increasing our physical strength and speed to extraordinary degrees, and can sharpen our senses to unbelievable extremes and all within a split second. But too much of these chemicals can have serious effects on […]
Tag / recovery
“Knowledge is power” Francis Bacon In my experience, complete recovery from anxiety disorders can only be achieved by gaining a thorough understanding of your condition and by applying complete acceptance I remember when I was a kid and my dad suggested we watch this old black and white horror movie called ‘The Haunting’. He said […]
Habits are hard to break and this analogy demonstrates why recovering from anxiety disorders can often seem so difficult but with persistence and practise it can be achieved. The habit of negative thinking, particularly ‘worry’, is what ultimately causes and prolongs anxiety disorders; it’s as simple as that. Stress, genetics and learnt behaviour can all […]
Many of us spend days, weeks, or even years looking for a person that will point us in the right direction. A person that will not only explain our anxiety disorder in clear terms, but also how we can cope with it without going broke. There are so many great ways to cope with anxiety, […]
I can tell you all from experience that Claire Weekes’ treatment for anxiety cure is the surest way to recovery. It is is based on four concepts: 1. Facing 2. Accepting 3. Floating 4. Letting time pass FACING requires the individual to acknowledge and understand that the cure comes from within. It means facing the […]
Acceptance really is the only ‘permanent’ cure for all anxiety/depressive disorders, but most people do not understand the concept of it. This is where understanding is paramount. Understanding allows the sufferer to accept more willingly. Whilst accepting willingly the sufferer must allow enough time to pass (without adding agitation) to allow mental fatigue to lift, […]
Very interesting article explaining why drug companies are pulling out of producing more ‘anti’ anxiety meds. Professor Ledoux explains that the “drugs are doing exactly what they’ve been designed to do, targeting the ‘fear circuit,’ but not fear itself. And it’s all because of the language”. Ledoux believes more money and time should now be […]
This is probably the best video that an anxiety sufferer could possibly watch on ‘nervous illness’. Nothing comes close to this great woman’s teaching.
This is a list of DO’S and DONT’S taken from Claire Weekes book ‘Hope and help from your nerves’ DOS & DONT’S Do not run away from fear. Analyze it and see it as no more then physical feelings. Feelings are not facts, do not be bluffed. Accept all strange sensations connected with your illness. Do not […]
This is an excellent book that fully explains the biological underpinnings of ‘neuroplasticity’ and how our brains change during recovery from anxiety and depressive disorders. The book fully gives weight to my own teachings and therapuetic principals.
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