When you get a spare 45 min watch LeDoux explain fear and anxiety here. We often use the terms ‘fear’ and ‘anxiety’ interchangeably, but we should be very careful about there proper meanings as the repercussions can be catastrophic. LeDoux has done the hard thinking for us; all we have to do is listen and […]
Tag / anxiety
I have always believed that anything that can give you biofeedback whilst experiencing anxiety can be a very useful tool in combating it. There are so many recommendations for people who experience anxiety; breathing exercises, visualisations, mantras, TFT tapping, positive self talk etc etc. Regardless of which ‘tools’ one applies they very rarely get immediate […]
This is a fantastic article written by Michael Specter which attempts to answer the question, Can neuroscience help us rewrite our most traumatic memories? I think it would be helpful to put a partition together to help Daniela Schiller secure funding to help her continue her research and development into treatment for PTSD. A long […]
I can tell you all from experience that Claire Weekes’ treatment for anxiety cure is the surest way to recovery. It is is based on four concepts: 1. Facing 2. Accepting 3. Floating 4. Letting time pass FACING requires the individual to acknowledge and understand that the cure comes from within. It means facing the […]
So as we approach the end of yet another year I’d like to wish you all a more happy and peaceful 2016. You know its never too late to bring about change and one should never think that they will never recover, no matter how long you have been ill! I have helped people who […]
Merry Christmas everybody! I wish everybody a more peaceful 2016 and remember it’s never too late to learn the tools needed to recover from anxiety disorder. As I always say, understanding is key in recovery, without the right understanding you can so easily keep going round in circles (as I did!)….for understanding and a full […]
Acceptance really is the only ‘permanent’ cure for all anxiety/depressive disorders, but most people do not understand the concept of it. This is where understanding is paramount. Understanding allows the sufferer to accept more willingly. Whilst accepting willingly the sufferer must allow enough time to pass (without adding agitation) to allow mental fatigue to lift, […]
Christmas can be challenging time for the anxiety sufferer as indeed can any situation where the expectation is that fun ‘should’ be had. It’s difficult for the none anxiety sufferer to comprehend this and easy for them to think negatively about these people, “oh, he/she’s a right miserable so and so and never happy!” Even […]
Very interesting article explaining why drug companies are pulling out of producing more ‘anti’ anxiety meds. Professor Ledoux explains that the “drugs are doing exactly what they’ve been designed to do, targeting the ‘fear circuit,’ but not fear itself. And it’s all because of the language”. Ledoux believes more money and time should now be […]
Meditation can be very useful for people who suffer with anxiety disorders but it is important you know exactly what you are doing. Many people who try meditation do it wrong and give up quickly. From someone who has had anxiety and used meditation I can tell you if done correctly it can be extremely […]
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